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Native mobile app


We contact you within 24 hours

After you buy Qibla2mobile plugin, we care about plugin installation app publishing. You won’t need to do anything.

Get the mobile app demo

After other 24hours you get a demo version of your app, according to your website colors and other style settings.

Get ready to publish your app

We publish the app into Apple and Google marketplaces with our developer accounts. Your app will be live in a week!


Yes, this is real. You can make the most of Qibla theme by adding our powerful plugin in order to make your own native mobile app for ios and android devices.


How the mobile app content is syncronized with Qibla template?

Thanks to the plugin installed, the mobile app will always display in real time all the modifies you do in Qibla template

What can I customize?

You can use your own icon, splash screen and colors. You can’t change any part of the design of the app.

How much time Apple and Google Store submission take?

Google has an extremely fast service and usually it takes no more than half day. For Apple submission

Supportscreen tag